Attention to violence against women.
We help all types of Women victims of violence, providing psychosocial accompaniment Working Through Grief And Loss, Women and Bereavement, abuse and physical aggression and stalking.
The Bogotá Post mentions that The Violence Against Women and Femicide has Increased markedly during COVID-19-related quarantines and lockdowns around the world. In Colombia, 19 women were murdered in the first three weeks of the nationwide quarantine, contributing to what UN Women has called a “shadow pandemic.”
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"With your help we can continue to help save lives throughout Colombia.
Thank you :)"
thanks for thinking about Colombia :)
We appreciate your help. We are the Peace Initiatives Foundation ONG
Our mission is to help people and families who are victims of Violence Against Women, School violence or Bullying, among others.
We help victims of violence and their families with psychosocial therapy, helping them set new goals in their lives.. “You can donate by clicking in botton of donate - Paypal.”
No More Bullying,
and child abuse
We are ambassadors of the culture of non-violence in educational schools, we form leaders of PEACE, fighting Bullying and Cyberbullying in the world.
Make your donation to this proposal and help carry the message of peace, which will prevent more deaths of children and teenagers.
Nickelodeon TV network recognized our work by giving us the pro-social award for bullying prevention in Colombia.
"A small donation of $ 10 or more can help Save a child's life."